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Our refreshments were a huge hit last year - the volunteers were run off their feet - so we're  serving  all-day morning tea at two venues again this year, and still charging a tiny $5 for the whole shebang - your hot drink of choice and your goodies! 


Beautiful home-baked slices (including gluten free options), cake and Devonshire & Dorset teas will be served at 43 Fosterton Rd and 9 Carlton Ave. Our tea comes in a pot, the cream on the scones is real and the milk for your  coffee will even be frothed. Both tea and coffee are served in china cups and saucers (or a mug if you prefer).   Thus, the environment benefits and you get a relaxing sit down with a delicious morning tea - any time - and something lovely to look at while you partake. Conveniently, our two refreshments venues are one each end of town: one of them will always be within 2 minutes of where you are, so you can stop for your break any time you please.


 Remember, all proceeds go to this year's charitable causes. 


Just an additional note. If you sit for refreshments, feel free to ask for a glass of tap water with your order; but last year there were a lot of visitors asking for bottled water at garden entrances, so we're trying just a limited supply at each gate this time @ $1 per bottle. Please make sure you recycle the bottles.


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